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Malmö Squares
Stortorget is as big as 2 500 square metres. It's often used for big events, such as the annual Malmö festival for example. Horse sports and concerts are also arranged here.
But the square's history goes further back in time. Stortorget is Malmö's oldest square and was constructed by mayor Jörgen Kock in the 1530's.
Before the square was established there used to be a convent on the place, the Helgeands-convent. Stortorget quickly became the biggest trade-square in the north. |
Nowadays you find a statue of king Karl X, the king who made Skåne Swedish in 1658, on Stortorget. Stortorget is also surrounded by a number of interesting remarkable buildings such as the City hall, the Residence, the house of Jörgen Kock, Hotel Kramer and the old pharmacy Lejonet ("The Lion"). In the late 16th century, a water reservoir used to supply the buildings close to Stortorgte with water. Today, there is a fountain where the reservoir used to be, as a reminder of passed centuries. |
Lilla Torg
When Stortorget wasn't big enough for Malmö's trade, another square was built in 1590 - Lilla Torg. The square has always been a marketplace for small square trade.
Up until 1900 there was an estate with shops where Lilla Torg is today. But the estate was demolished and a market hall was built that was to stand there until 1968. Today the square looks like it did originally, with cobblestones and surrounded by old houses.
Hedmanska gården is one of the oldest houses on Lilla Torg where you can hear music from the yard in the summer. It's also during the summer that Lilla Torg becomes Malmö's big meeting place and functions as one big outdoor café. There is also a market hall here and a number of restaurants. Many people call Lilla Torg Malmö's Ibiza.
Gustav Adolf Torg
Gustav Adolfs Torg was a pastureland for sheep hundreds of years ago. And the farmers' horses were still grazing on the area.
A plan for Gustav Adolfs Torg was made in the early 1800's but couldn't be carried out because the ground was too swampy.But in 1859 a big planting was constructed on the square.
Towards the beginning of 1900 trees had begun to grow and there was tramway-traffic over the square. 1908 it was decided that the commerce was to be limited to flowers and plants. It wasn't until 1955 that the square got its current shape with a constructed pond. Thereafter, the square has been beautified with constant renewal and changes.
Gustav Adolfs Torg today is a meetingplace where there often are various events - flower exhibitions, fairs, music and festivals. There are plenty of seats on the square where you can sit and watch people pass by. |
The English describe it as "Malmö's Soho" and the Danish compare it to Grøntorvet in Copenhagen "only bigger". It's Möllevångstorget that we're talking about, Malmö's most cosmopolitan square, a gem in the heart of Malmö!
Long ago, there was cultivated land and pastureland here, but when Malmö started to develop into an industrial city, people began to move into the city. They needed a job, a place to live and a market trade. Möllevångstorget is more than 100 years old. The farmers used to come twice a week with agricultural products that they sold on the square.
Möllan, as we locally call Möllevångstorget, has always been a workers' domicile. This is where all the factories lied that kept Malmö alive. This is also where the workers' newspaper laid - "Arbetet". The square has a long, and exciting history that includes political meetings, riots and demonstration marches.
Today it's an area where many young people live and the pulse is high. Möllan is also "a city in the city" where you can travel around the world in four blocks. Here you can experience the exotic atmosphere that symbolizes Möllan.
During the day, Möllan is famous for its cheap food and its multitude. The market trading starts early in the morning and continues until late afternoon. Here you'll see happy faces, hear loud voices and different languages from every corner of the world, all this blends to a magic atmosphere.
In the evenings Möllan turns into a meeting place with more pubs than anywhere else in Malmö. There are also many exotic restaurants here. The small shops and grocery shops around the square are open longer than usual, and in the summer there are merry entertainments here that shouldn't be missed! |
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